How to Lead in the Digital Age: U of M as a Great Public Research University

The Digital Education & Innovation Team

“What does it mean to be a great public research university in an age fueled by technology, fueled by connection, fueled by evidence and analytics, what do you do in that world?”
– James Hilton

Recently, the DEI Lab sat down with faculty and administration leaders from around the University to discuss the future of U of M in the digital age. We asked these leaders to tackle some of the big questions about how U of M becomes a leader in the landscape of digital education, and the unique challenges and opportunities that we face to get there.

  • What makes us unique in our role as a public university?
  • What does it mean to be open in a technology fueled age?
  • What unique capacities does U of M have in a world where students expect digital solutions in their classes?

Explore answers and insights from the Provost’s Office, Faculty, and Staff across the University:

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Martha Pollack, Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
James DeVaney, Associate Vice Provost for Digital Education & Innovation
Simone Himbeault Taylor, Associate Vice President for Student Life, Adjunct Associate Professor, CSHPE, School of Education
Barry Fishman, Arthur F. Thurnau Professor, Learning Technologies, School of Information & School of Education
Theodore Hanss Jr., CIO, University of Michigan Medical School
Charles Severance, Clinical Associate Professor of Information, School of Information
Matthew Kaplan, Executive Director, Center for Research on Learning and Teaching
Timothy McKay,  Arthur F. Thurnau Professor of Physics, Director of the LSA Honors Program & DIG Principal Investigator
Margaret Wooldridge, Arthur F. Thurnau Professor, Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering
Caren Stalburg, Division Chief, Professional Education, Clinical Assistant Professor of Learning Health Sciences, Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology
James Hilton, Vice Provost for Digital Education & Innovation

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