MOOCs to Continue Your U-M Learning this Summer

Onawa Gardiner, Marketing Specialist

Students – with summer break and/or commencement rapidly approaching, continue learning with U-M by taking a massive open online course (MOOC) from Michigan. These courses are available online and open for enrollment, providing the perfect opportunity to explore diverse subjects while developing new skills to enhance your internship experience, build out your resume, and/or help you prepare for graduate school.

Graduates standing at Michigan Diag

Courses like data science and web development can add to your professional skill set and bolster growth in future internship, classroom and professional settings. Other courses, such as Finance for Everyone, provide the opportunity to improve decision making and the ability to make strategic daily choices. These MOOCs showcase the potential to foster new skills, explore different subjects and develop decision-making strategies to strengthen future educational and professional experiences.

Check out these courses available now through U-M:

Data Science Ethics

Learn about shared values regarding data ownership and privacy issues in the digital sphere. Data Science Ethics addresses ethical issues surrounding the way data is used in a wide variety of digital and technological areas of study and for a diverse range of professions. Take this course to dive deeper into data science and enhance your knowledge base for future professional and internship endeavors.

Finance for Everyone: Smart Tools for Decision-Making

Dive into the world of finance with this course to learn the skills and tools to make smart decisions on a day-to-day basis. This course provides a framework for making financial decisions, such as saving money, paying student loans, leasing or purchasing a car, and other strategic choices .

Python for Everybody Specialization

Work with program applications by visualizing, retrieving and processing data with Python. This series of courses introduces the fundamental programming concepts of the Python programming language used in data structures, networked application program interfaces and databases. Enroll in this MOOC to learn these concepts, which can assist in building valuable skill sets to leverage for school projects, enhance impact in your internship and career.

Successful Negotiation: Essential Strategies and Skills

This course explains the core strategies, tactics and steps involved in planning and successfully negotiating everything from job offers, salary range and and work relationships to structuring business strategies. Enroll in this MOOC as a way to explore negotiation strategies while building lifelong skills to leverage in a variety of educational and professional situations.

Web Design for Everybody (Basics of Web Development and Coding)

Jump start your next step, either professionally or vocationally, by learning to develop professional quality web sites. This Specialization covers how to write HTML5 and CSS3 in order to create interactive web sites that are accessible on mobile, tablet and large screen browsers. Take this course and learn the skills for designing and building a professional web portfolio for creative work, resume building and professional enhancement.

Enroll in a MOOC to continue your U-M learning.

To check out more about learning opportunities visit our Learn with U-M portal.    


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