
Ph.D. Curriculum Studies and Teacher Education, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto

Hedieh Najafi

Learning Expereince Designer Senior

Why I Choose to Work at Academic Innovation

I chose to work at Academic Innovation because the center embodies what I value in designing for learning: that is pursuing innovative ways to expand the reach of high-quality and impactful learning experiences to a global audience using cutting-edge learning technologies. As an LXD and educational researcher, the research-informed approach of the center and the talent and the passion of the team members to push the boundaries of online and hybrid learning were very compelling to me.

Current Roles/Previous Experience

As a Learning Experience Designer (LXD) with AI, Hedieh will collaborate with MOOC development teams to design a range of online learning experiences, including courses, certificates, and programs. She will also contribute to developing a systematic approach to evaluate course design in Open Learning Initiatives and in Online and Hybrid Programs.

Prior to joining AI, Hedieh was an educational researcher at the University of Toronto where she obtained her Ph.D. She has designed, implemented, and studied teacher-led and self-paced technology enhanced courses and learning modules at the University of Toronto. Many of these courses were Coursera and edX MOOCs. Hedieh has collaborated with K-12 teachers, faculty members at the University of Toronto, and researchers and designers from other higher education institutions. One example of the latter is a collaboration with Dr. Rebecca Quintana in 2019 on the “Innovating MOOC Pedagogies” symposium at the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association that brought together more than 20 researchers form ten universities, research institutes, and a public school district.

Ask Me to Learn About

  • Designing Scaffolds for Learning
  • Making Comprehensive To-Do Lists
  • Math Education
  • Boardgames
  • Crafts