
Master of Science, Computer Science, University of Helsinki

Bachelor of Science, Mathematics, University of Helsinki

Ilkka Kuisma

Software Developer

Why I Choose to Work at Academic Innovation

The dynamism of startups combined with the resources, values, and mission of a public research university make for a magical combination. Getting to work with modern technologies in an agile environment whilst knowing that your efforts are going towards advancing the common good rather than making a buck means that you get to both have fun at work and sleep well at night. Innovations in the teaching space at my alma mater had a profound and empowering impact on my experience as a student which makes working at Academic Innovation particularly meaningful to me. Being surrounded by super talented and friendly people doesn’t hurt either!

Current Roles/Previous Experience

Ilkka works as a software developer at the Center for Academic Innovation. His current work revolves around Data.AI while lending a helping hand as part of the Tandem team.

Prior to joining Academic Innovation, Ilkka had amassed experience working in various technical roles in software teams over a decade, joining his first startup before he was even old enough to vote. While breaking software as a QA person was great fun, he soon discovered that building software with a great team brings a sense of joy very few other things can provide.

Ask Me to Learn About

  • All Things JavaScript
  • Most Things Django
  • Ergonomic Headless Guitars
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