Gratitude Boosts Mood, Health and the Bottom-Line: Four Ways You Can Practice Gratitude Everyday

New “Practicing Gratitude Teach-Out” teaches the science behind gratitude and how to make it a part of your everyday life

Sean Corp, Content Strategist

The challenges people have faced in 2020 have been enormous — from uprooted lives from the pandemic to a divisive political climate in a presidential election year, it might seem like the wrong time to talk about gratitude.

In fact, it’s never been a better time to consider the psychological and physical benefits of giving and receiving gratitude, and ways to incorporate it into your everyday life. The new Practicing Gratitude Teach-Out helps people understand the science behind gratitude and its impact on the well-being of both those who receive and those who offer gratitude to others.

Registration is now open for the free week-long Teach-Out and will be available until the end of the year.

Join the Conversation | Enroll in the Practicing Gratitude Teach-Out

Experts in organizational psychology and mindfulness discuss the power of gratitude for personal well-being and on a business’s bottom line, and participants will learn about mindfulness and be able to take part in a guided meditation.

Research shows those engaging in gratitude practices see less inflammation, have lower blood pressure, exercise more, smoke less and sleep better. At the same time, they see boosts in organizational performance including increased profitability, productivity, quality of work, innovation, employee engagement and retention, and customer satisfaction.

Participants learn about the gratitude gap — assumed negative reactions to gratitude that make people resist offering gratitude or trying to undercut it when it is offered to them – and practices people can take part in to help them practice gratitude in their everyday lives.

Four Methods of Practicing Gratitude

Keeping a Gratitude Journal

One of the simplest and most common ways to practice gratitude. All you have to do each day is write down three to five things you are grateful for. Some journals are sold with predetermined props and there are also apps available to help motivate you to practice this every single day.

Carrying a Symbol of Gratitude

You can also take a token or a memento with you that helps remind you of what you are grateful for. This could be something you keep in your wallet or purse or have in your office space or in your home. Somewhere you will see it often and a place where being reminded of what you are grateful for will have the biggest impact. It could be a stuffed animal, a photo, a piece of journal — anything!

Writing a Letter of Gratitude

One of the most powerful expressions of gratitude is a letter. It’s even more powerful when it is hand-written and most impactful when delivered or read in person. Hand-writing the letter and describing in detail what you’re grateful for or why the person means so much to you can have a big impact on both the sender and receiver.

Reflecting on Gratitude

The practice of meditation, personal reflection and mindfulness can have a big impact on our overall health. Similar to other methods, it is as simple as taking a moment and stepping back to reflect on what you are grateful for and savoring that moment.

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