Create a MOOC

Share your content with learners around the world

Work with us to create transformative, engaging learning experiences at scale to a global audience of lifelong learners.

Get Funding to Develop a MOOC

Our Academic Innovation Fund (AIF) provides faculty innovators the funding and support they need to design and develop new MOOCs. When a faculty member receives AIF funding, our learning experience designers, media designers, design managers, and course operations staff will help them design, develop, iterate, and support their innovative online learning experiences.


Recent Stories

CAI Seeks Proposals for Online Certificate Programs 

CAI Seeks Proposals for Online Certificate Programs 

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CAI Announces New Generative AI Projects to Support Teaching and Learning 

CAI Announces New Generative AI Projects to Support Teaching and Learning 

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Students Translate Achievement Into Personal Growth with Spire

Students Translate Achievement Into Personal Growth with Spire

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