Bachelor of the Arts in Screen Arts & Cultures and Asian Languages and Cultures – University of Michigan, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
I have a deep passion for exploring the boundaries of visual storytelling through cinematography, editing, animation, and experimentation. Additionally, I’m commitment to supporting and expanding the academic community – all of which have lead me to Academic Innovation. The creative and academic possibilities presented here are an exciting and inspiring challenge!
Media Designer at CAI, working with faculty and staff to visualize, shoot, and edit online course content. Previously worked for LS&A Technology Services as an Audio Visual Technician supporting faculty and staff using technology in learning spaces on campus and for the Northwest Film Center / Portland Art Museum as Theater Operations Manager.
Codecs, chroma subsampling, the cinematic history of aspect ratios, analogue (35mm/16mm) film shooting and projection, the proliferation and codifying of new visual languages on YouTube and other contemporary media platforms, and how to improve your experimental film viewing experience.
317 Maynard Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48104