
Master of Arts in Education, Design & Technologies for Learning, School of Education, University of Michigan

Master of Arts in Education, Curriculum & Instruction, College of Education, Eastern Michigan University

Bachelor of Arts in Education, Elementary Education, School of Education, University of Michigan

Pam Saca

Continuous Improvement Specialist

Why I Choose to Work at Academic Innovation

I believe in both flexible and personalized learning models in education that are universally accessible. The Center for Academic Innovation encourages lifelong learning that embraces these two important tenent of education, while utilizing creativity and continuously taking on new challenges.

Current Roles/Previous Experience

Pam collaborates with a variety of teams across Academic Innovation as well as with faculty and other stakeholders to support the development of all courses and learning experiences with an emphasis on learner accessibility. She focuses on finding solutions to making CAI’s educational offerings and tools accessible to our learners. Her role includes maintaining, designing, creating, and improving the accessibility of learning experiences for both learners and faculty.

Prior to joining the team, Pam was an elementary teacher for thirteen years. Previous roles include grades K-5 classroom teaching, Literacy Intervention, Instructional Coaching, and many years as a Student Testing Coordinator and Section 504 Case Manager. She has also worked on a number of curriculum development teams writing elementary level curriculum for public school districts and private companies.

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  • Managing Working/Grad School/Parenting
  • Beagles